Thursday, August 31, 2017

Harvey: Prayers Not Politics

Hurricane Harvey has caused a lot of devastation. Yet another catastrophic natural disaster. It will be expensive to clean up after. Republican voters with a republican president and republican congress won't have much of an issue getting what they need in Texas.

But, here in NJ a lot of us remember what a problem it was getting republicans to sign off on Sandy relief money. To this day there are places still cleaning up after Sandy. Without help. We didn't get all that we need. But, we are a democratic state and at the time had a democratic president.

FEMA is there to help those who need it when disaster strikes. Anywhere in the country. No matter what political side the area leans to. Yes, I find it ironic that the people hit by Katrina and Harvey are the ones that deny humans effect climate change. But, they still need help.

I am mad that republicans got in the way of Sandy funding and won't for Harvey. But, I'm not one of the people that thinks Harvey victims should be deprived needs like NJ was. I want democrats in congress to support funding for Harvey.

It's a time to provide for those who need it. Texas needs it. It's not a time to get even with republicans for what they did to NJ. It's a time to be the bigger people and support Texas. We criticized republicans at the time of Sandy for a reason. Don't be hypocritical.

It's a time to pray for Harvey victims. Pray they are able to rebuild. Pray for those who have died. Pray for those who have lost anything. Pray for them. If you can, send some money too. It's a time to help.

Because we did get prayers and donations from Texans when Sandy hit. Republicans in congress may have been awful. But, there were people in Texas that helped. Those same people need us now. Yes, there are some selfish and awful people in Texas that laughed and said we got what we deserve. But, that wasn't everyone.

It shouldn't be about politics. It should be about people. They need prayers not a political party fight over how much help they get. They need prayers not politics.

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