Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Zach's Thought Part 2!

When Zach was 2 years and 2 months old I did a post on what I suspect he thinks in the morning. He had a much smaller vocabulary then. It's sometimes a popular post so now that it's almost 2 years later I think it's time for an update. Some mornings go like this:

Zach - "Mommy can we get up now?"
Me - "yes" (only if it's 7:30 or later)
Zach - "Do I have school today?"
Me - "yes"
Zach - "No-ho-ho" (whiny)
Me - "yes now go get your breakfast"

Later when watching the Hub and eating breakfast:
Well at least I get to see my friends. I wonder what we'll do today in school. Mary Ellen is my favorite teacher. He has said that part out loud in the past.

Zach - "Mommy, what's show and tell?"
Me - "Daddy's Spiderman since you didn't do it yesterday" that was today it changes daily
Zach - "okay"

Cool. I'm good with that.

This is usually followed by a boring variation of brushing teeth, getting dressed, and dropping off at school. There isn't a lot of quiet time. I suspect he actually says most of his thoughts (just like Mommy). He asks about a lot of things and does a lot of things without help. He has been whiny as the school year ends and he knows he'll be doing Summer Camp. He has trouble adjusting to new routines. Most days he doesn't whine when I say he has school but he does always say "YES!" when I tell him there is no school that day. This is what pick-up sounds like:

Zach - "Mommmmmy!" (as he happily runs over for a hug)
Me - "Hi Angel!"
Zach - "Can I do the hill?"

There is a hill outside of his school. The kids love to run around it and gently knock each other over. They call it "tackle". He likes to be the first on and last off. Us parents socialize while watching them. After half an hour I usually get this:

Zach - "Why do I have to go?although there is a rare day he asks to go 
Me - "Because your friends are leaving" I don't make him leave when other kids are still playing unless we have a play date or appointment. I don't want him feeling left out and it's great exercise.

I asked him right now what he thinks about during the day and this is what he said:

"I think about playing with my friends, playing with my Transformers, having ice cream with Grandma and Pop during babysitting, getting food when you're not home and getting a drink too."

Me - "when do you get food when I'm not home?"

Zach - "getting food when WE get home" (from school, lunch time I clarified)

Me - "Is there anything else you think about during the day?"

Zach - "when I will have a short nap. It has to be a short nap though."

Me - "Is that all?"

Zach - "No there are lots of more things"

Me - "Like what?"

Zach - "I think  about when I'm a grown-up and taking out the garbage with Daddy. You know what else I like to do? Look at my school picture. I think about Mommy hugs and kisses, yup I love that too. And I think about playing with Dad."

I'm not surprised by his answers. These are things he vocalizes all the time. He thinks about doing what he likes and loves and seeing the people he likes and loves. We are all like that. He's a curious kid. When he wants to know something, he asks. The ice cream was a special treat tonight during babysitting, he doesn't get it often. It's nice to know what he thinks about. It's important to have that communication.

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