Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Josh tends to get a kick out of the questions I have. Once, I waved a Police Officer over to ask where they get gas in the Police Cars. They have a private gas station (at least here). Of course the Officer in question graduated High School with Lisa (my Sister-in-Law) and she knew him. Of course I hate when I tell people what I learned from asking these questions and they act like they already knew, no you don't you just want to make me feel stupid.

Anyway, recently, I had a dream that I won a date with a Devils' player (inspired by those NHL romance novels I've been reading) and the question I asked in the middle of the "do you know what you won?" part was this: How does the carpet on the ice not bunch up or slip when people walk on it? It is on ice!" It may have been a dream but it's a classic "Frannyism" as Josh would say. That goes along the lines of "I want food food not you food".

I'm filled with questions but try not to ask one that would make another person uncomfortable. I just am curious about life and how people make their decisions. Questions are the best way to learn about how things work. They also are a great way to do research to help make good decisions. Here are a few other "Frannyisms".

1. Light paint colors look the same to me so I'd rather go for a darker color more defined and have a smaller looking room. The room itself isn't actually small so all your stuff that used to fit in it still will. Color can't really effect your mood if it's too light anyway.

explanation: The plumbing inspector needed the dryer vent changed to a solid one not a flexible one. Now that that is taken care of we are having the hole the plumber had to put in the wall in the living room (the washer and dryer are in the kitchen) fixed and an access door put in. There is a faux finish to the wall that is so complex there is no way it'll be duplicated. My Dad, stupidly, thinks he can redo it. I told him to open all the left over paint cans in the garage and ask at the paint store and when that's done I want the Benjamin Moore Landscape color when he comes to his senses and realizes redoing the faux finish with a bunch of colors probably a mix of Behr and Benjamin Moore isn't going to happen. He said it's on the dark side but Josh and I think "serene and peaceful" It's the green in this link.


2. Most clothing with patterns make me dizzy

explanation: I have no idea but unless it's a picture of something specific all over (like a watermelon) most patterns make me dizzy Oddly, I do have some plaid skirts that don't make me dizzy but there isn't a lot of color variety in them.

3. The right shade of yellow will always make you smile even if it's just for a second.

explanation: shades like gold and the one below will do it. Sunny days make people happy so a sunshine yellow will too. Yellow always has been my favorite color.


4. Do you think rabbits can hear conversations going on inside even with the windows down and voices at a normal tempo?

explanation: they do have great hearing.

I'm still curious about that carpet on the ice too. I'm assuming there is something special about it on the bottom. When Josh reads this he's going to start mentioning other's I've said like my observation that fire hydrants look like 2 year olds wearing hard hats. (3 year olds for the tall hydrants). A favorite is "not all mood swings are bad".

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