God: Ha ha ha I'm laughing right along with you.
This is one example of my planning and God laughing. Zach was conceived six months after my third miscarriage and for the first time in two years I was thinking of something non-baby. I had just gotten a balance ball for yoga exercises for my birthday yet on Columbus Day 2008 I realized it will be a long time before I use it. That day we put me on partial bed rest (meaning Josh did the heavy stuff like laundry but I could still walk around). In case you didn't catch on, I was staring at a pregnancy test two days after I expected my period and finding the results not funny. After all that time, I was pregnant with Zach.
I'm getting better at noticing God's signs. At 6 weeks pregnant Zach Parise (the NJ Devil Hockey player Zach is named after) was having a career year. I turned to Josh and said, "I bet the baby is a boy since Zach Parise is having a career year". Confirmed at 12 weeks in U/S (usually you have to wait to 20 weeks). God knew I wouldn't have the patience to wait to know the gender or even see the baby. The only advantage to all those miscarriages is I got to see the baby early and often (something that calmed my anxiety. Anxiety I had with every pregnancy). I wonder if that's why God made me miscarry so much, knowing my anxiety it was the only way for me to have access to the very things that would alleviate the anxiety.
God is quite a kidder.
I don't know about your life but my life is strange. Maybe that's why I'm strange. I like being strange. Most people I meet like my quirks too. The same quirks that make me strange. Strange things tend to happen to me more then most people when I let my guard down. Just like last Saturday when I was making breakfast and one egg had two yokes, it was for Josh (I usually use two eggs for him) so ironically, he got three yokes. Like we would have three kids if we had twins.
Update: Just cooking Dinner, breaded chicken, and I got another double yolked egg.
God: SERIOUSLY! NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do I say that? Because along with being an old wives tale, anyone who has twins who I asked about the egg yoke thing said they had that happen to them. I'm not pregnant (although it is a strange month so I'll keep you posted if there is news) but this is definitely the kind of thing that can't be ignored. Yes, I tried to.
Sometimes God surprises me is good ways. Even with the diet there are some shirts that don't fit me anymore. My brown long sleeve shirt technically fits but I have had it for so long the sleeves have gotten too short. In October, when I first started wearing long sleeves, I said to myself that even though I want to replace it, it is the right size and otherwise fits so I'll just control the OCD on this one (I can't with most things but was able to successfully do it here as I can with similar minor issues).
Here's where God fits in. We got my mom a brown long sleeve shirt for Christmas. I had given her an orange long sleeve that isn't the right shade of orange for my Pumpkin Orange set and she really liked it. So as hard as she is to shop for, I thought she'd like it. Last night my brown long sleeve got a stain in it. With strong cleaner, scrapping at the stain and washing three times, that sucker was still stained. I tried on the shirt we got my mom and said to Josh, "She loves that cranberry sparkling Juice from Ocean Spray but it's a little expensive for everyday let's just get her that for Christmas".
Somehow, I got that brown replacement shirt when I was just going to work through it. God does this exact thing for me ALL THE TIME!!! Maybe he's rewarding me for letting the little things go. I don't even know what that stain is!!! I wore it for like half and hour and didn't cook or eat with it on and didn't remember spilling anything on it!!!
*****God Laughing*****
We are on a tight budget so I tend to plan a year head in a month by month week by week spreadsheet. That's detailed for every penny we have and based on Josh's current salary (he gets a raise in January but if it's $5 or more a week that money will go to groceries). This month and next month are the tightest with the most expenses. There were some little things we were going to put off.
That's the planning.
We lost power for 4 days in the snow storm except for use of the TV but had no cable. (you know so we would still be entertained but not have the cable bill. We watched DVDs). We had Internet but lost it and got it back today after a week without it. The good news is, we get a nice chunk of change off our Comcast and PSE&G bill so suddenly we'll have the money for those non necessities that are always way cheaper now then they will be later so I wanted to get them now.
God: Thanks for your help!!!
Sorry I hear laughing in the back round.
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What's so Funny, Zach? |
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