Thursday, November 03, 2011

Can Next Week PLEASE Have Less Excitement?!?!?

We had half power from Saturday afternoon until Wednesday afternoon, it's Thursday. We also didn't have heat until last night. The tv worked (but no internet until last night) but the fridge and washer and dryer didn't. One thing is clear, my diet is shot to hell this week. Here's our week:

Saturday: Morning was normal and I decorated for November then after nap we let Zach play in the snow but when it was time to come in to make the baked potatoes the oven was powerless. So we ordered a pizza. We slept at my parent's house because they did have power and heat.

Sunday: We spent most of the day, I forget but we had dinner with my family (my dad's birthday dinner) then slept at home, discovering that the things that didn't work before now worked but the things that DID work were out. This started sleeping at home (an Igloo).

Monday: Trick or Treating was canceled until Friday so we went to my parent's planning to do laundry and bathe (since no hot water meant we all needed to get clean). Unfortunately, my brother is arrogant and one of those "bow to me" people I have posted about so he did his three loads of laundry and refused to do them on cold/cold so we can at least get the batheing part done. Nope I moved it from warm/cold to cold/cold and he responding by moving it to hot/cold meaning I had a partially cold shower even an hour after he was done. And mom wonders why we still have sibling issues she thought we'd grow out of. Being stressed out I screamed at him and cursed at him and the next day Zach said "fuck you Hugh" while I was dressing him. Not the finest example I've ever set but Uncle Hugh deserved every word and Zach hasn't said it since.

Tuesday: We went to gym class to try to keep things as normal as possible. Zach usually is better at sharing and not taking things from other kids but he was stressed out and searching for something. All he wanted was some water from the fountain but after a while, and a wet shirt, I said no more, then the big kids came out to get water (the same kids normally in school). Zach wanted more water but he had just been playing at the fountain. I wanted to give in, it was a reasonable request, but as a parent if you say "no more" then cave on one thing the kid will never take that "no" seriously. He threw a few tandrums, I got his taggy and he took a book from a kid. The kid is like 16 months old and the mom is pregnant. We see them every week and she (and her friend) are very antisocial with me even as Zach tries to play with their kids. Last week Zach hugged the daughter of the pregnant woman and she was fine until the hug got long for her (I took Zach away when it was getting long too) this week she asked how old he is in the superior "my daughter is never like your child he is always so bad" kind of way. I'm thinking "Lets see how your 2 1/2 year old does when she's fighting for your attention with a newborn." Zach is great about sharing and playing nice with almost every other kid but those two. After the book taking incidence we left for my parent's house for warmth and food. Skipping Gym class.

Wednesday: We used the change from gas money for a low fat blueberry muffin and a small decaf coffee for me from Dunkin' Doughnuts. Zach was so good until he wanted water. Not water from the Target fountain which was my plan but "Dunkin' Water" of course I had no change left so we did the Target thing and he was fine after a tandrum outside of Dunkin' Doughnuts. He didn't nap at my parents then we had dinner with my parents to celebrate my Dad's birthday (that was the actual day of his birthday).

Today: It was nice to be back to normal. Swim class went great, lunch went great, and we came home to nap which also went great. Here I thought I was in the clear, mostly back to normal, then Zach came over to me ................. Mommy pills. I made him show me. He had taken my Cranberry pill for Urinary Tract Infections. His doctor said not to worry and he seemed fine. He peed a river at the grocery store (he went with Josh to get the necessities now that the power is back). Then, not long after, he peed in my Mother - in - law's house, on the floor (took him by surprise). He came home and we made him pee again, did it. Three minutes later he was going to go with Josh to get the salvaged food from my parent's fridge, and he pooped (the last two in his potty). It's going to be a long night.

I sure hope tomorrow is boring!!!!!

The boy who used to not like apples decided he likes apples and officially is addicted to them.

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