Monday, November 15, 2010

Why I'm A Bold Blogger

The feedback I have been getting from family is that I have been negative in this blog. I know I have been very open about what I have talked about so far and that won't change. It's hard to find people as open as I have been about these things but while I had these experiences, especially the miscarriages, I kept thinking that it would make a difference to hear the details of others. People who talk about their issues usually gloss over things trying to make it not seem too bad. Unless they are a motivational speaker trying to prevent people from making stupid mistakes.

I was honest about my weight because most mother's of toddlers, when the kid is an only child, gets a lot of "when can we expect number two?" and "Are you pregnant?" That might be reasonable if the person started having kids later in life but not someone my age. I was honest about my eating disorder because so many others have had eating disorders and it's something that other's can relate too. Miscarrying and trouble conceiving are very common and it's comforting to know that even someone my age has these struggles.

I have been trying to balance the blog with talking about me as a person and me as a mother as well as Zach because there is more to a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) then motherhood. I'm not going to apologize for being bold but that is how I am as a person.

I'm not a negative person, however. I love to see the good things in life. While dealing with these challenges I got through them by constantly being grateful for the blessings in my life (and listing them) and trying to find the reason for each of them so I can understand them more. Zach is like a mail order baby. After everything we went through he is everything we have always wanted, literally. You don't get more literal.

I truly feel it's important to list your blessings when things get tough. It helps keep depression away. It helps life be full. I'm the kind of person that loves to be outside on a sunny day (temperature permitting) and just enjoy the day. I love to be outside in the fall when the wind blows watching the leaves fall around me. It's a free and simple pleasure that I get excited with anticipation about when I read the weather report and it says "wind". I even love the beauty of snow in winter. A beautiful day is a wonderful gift. Decorating Day makes me happy (I'll explain later). Sitting outside with my glass of wine on a beautiful night (If I bundle up I can stay out there if it's 55 degrees at 9pm even if it gets colder) is a wonderful things. In the summer I see a lot of neighbors who love to chat for a while. We follow the Yankees, Giants, Devils, Nets, and Red Bulls. Sports make me happy too.

What are the blessings in your life? What brings a smile to your face?

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