Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Last 8 Weeks

Zach is a third grader. In three weeks he will leave school a fourth grader. If you are a parent, you understand why I haven't had the time for a blog post in the last two weeks. It's the time of year when a lot is crammed in. Where days without plans suddenly get busy. Where there is more homework as afterschool activities get busier too.

Dance recitals, make up rained out games, and a lot of other things already take a lot of time. But, teachers try to fit in final projects as the school has more going on. It gets increasingly busier as the school year comes to an end. For us, it's a race to June 19th!

PARCC testing ended on May 2nd. After that, two projects on Colorado were due, There was a vocal concert one night, a poetry jam for the third graders during the day, field day, "The Wish Tree" planting to match a book the school read, several baseball games (at one point 4 in 5 days) and, for me, library inventory has started. What's to come is more library inventory, a school pool party, a baseball pool party, baseball playoffs for both teams, a Flag Day ceremony at Zach's school and a library get together for parent helpers. Along with more baseball. His teacher mentioned something else but hasn't given us a date yet.

Keep this in mind, I try not to overschedule any of us. Down time is important. We have plenty of down time when baseball is the only thing going on. But, school has taken a lot of extra time for both Zach and me. They are all good things but, it keeps you busy!

All of this excludes the doctor appointments, extra watering needed in the garden as it has gotten hotter, and other regular commitments. That's parenting. Its a good thing I like baseball because I have seen a lot of it! But, he loves it and that makes me very happy!

I got a picture at the vocal concert of almost Zach's entire class. Only two kids missed it that night. Next year is their last year in elementary school in this town. That picture will be great to have for the yearbook!

The poetry jam was fun. The kids had been writing poems in school. They each chose two to read to the parents and grandparents (and siblings for some). Zach's first was on Christmas. That doesn't surprise me. It's his favorite holiday. Making christmas cookies, the tree, and so much more. These are all things he cherishes.

The planting of the "Wish Tree" was nice. In March, every elementary kid in town reads the same book every year. This year was "The Wish Tree" by Katherine Applegate. It's a wonderful story told by an old Red Oak. It's about the families in the houses nearby and the animals that live in him. Each year, there is a day when people attach written down wishes to this tree in hopes they come true. The planting was planting a red oak. All the elementary kids in the school had written down their wishes and they were hung from it. My personal favorite came from a friend of Zach's. "I wish for a million ducks". Each class read a quote from the book and each kid dug one shovel for the hole.

I look forward to all of these things and so does Zach. It makes school fun. The library inventory is a lot of work. But, it keeps the library running and is necessary! It's a hard time of year to celebrate Zach's birthday the last few years. But, we fit that in too.

Every school has their own things. Even in this small town. But, it's one thing that is true across the country. In those last 8 weeks of school...………… things get very busy! In school and in activities there are a lot of things to squeeze in before summer. To me, the relief is reading Zach's report card on the last day and seeing who will be his teacher the next year. I will post again during this time. But, for some people, I will see you on the other side of June 19th!!!

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