Thursday, September 14, 2017

A Gray Birthday

I found my first gray hair at age 27. My birthday is this weekend. As age 37 gets closer I have noticed more and more grays. It's normal for the women in my family to go gray early. My mom had more grays in my baby pictures then I do now. I see them and smile about the years to come.

I know a lot of people would reach for the hair dye. Zach was shocked to learn I dyed my hair a few times in college. A couple of times I was a natural shade of red. Cinnamon. Usually, it was a lighter version of my natural color. Most of the year my hair is a very dark brown. I like being a brunette. I just wanted it lighter. Sun-in wasn't cutting it anymore. I started growing it out before the wedding. It was 100% my natural color on my wedding day. It's been natural ever since.

Sometime in the past year I asked Zach, "what color should I dye my hair?" We were in front of the hair dye at the time. He pulled out the one that was my exact hair color. I laughed and kept walking. I'm not dying my hair again. I like looking the way I naturally look.

He does too. This is how I have looked his entire life. Well, mostly. An older version of the person he takes the most comfort in. As a baby he used to grab my hair when drinking his bottle. He doesn't remember doing that. But, he still finds comfort just looking at me. A natural change he can handle. But, not an unnatural one. Mommy has to look like mommy!

I know I still have three years to go before 40. I have been watching the changes within me slowly. I notice the things that are different then just a few years ago. My body is doing what it's supposed to do.

I've had gray hair for ten years. Hopefully, it won't be obvious until ten years from now! I used to be able to count them. Too many to count now. But, I am still classified as a "brunette".

I always feel different when my birthday gets closer. It's not about "feeling older". It's about seeing things differently. As you subconsciously process the year you are completing, your mind and body are changing because of the new information and experiences they have taken in.

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