Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Brain Power

We all have things that are easy or hard for us to learn. We usually think of them as natural talents. We tend to be more interested in the things we are good at and less interested in the things we struggle with. But, everything we learn is important.

As some readers know, I am trying to teach myself French and Spanish. I started with Microsoft apps. They are generally good, but I needed something more engaging. So I got some Practice Makes Perfect workbooks. As I learn new words, I note them in a spreadsheet. Since they are the same series, I add the new words in both French and Spanish at the same time.

I have always admired those who are fluent in multiple languages. It's very hard for me to learn and retain languages. As you can see from the chart, language is handled by the Parietal lobe. I am generally an intelligent and reasonable person. But, I do have to look at my wedding rings to tell right from left. I also have a sensory processing disorder (see the post Hard To Process). I enjoy reading but it has always been a learning weakness of mine.

Like everyone, I have strengths and weaknesses in all of the brain areas. Each part is on both the left and right side. My degree is in dance yet I don't have strong balance. Some of these things make me want to scratch my head. No, seriously. Literally scratch my head. Just to see if things actually start making sense if I'm scratching the correct part of my head.

I did a psychology test on which side your brain favors. It's a quick 12 question thing. I got left brained but it was a 33. Meaning I'm closer to the middle.

Ironically, this occurred to me while knitting. Something that was easy for me to learn. I'm watching NCIS:LA while knitting. Those characters know a lot of languages! I had the thought "I wish there was something I could do to make it easier to learn languages!!!"

That led into the thought "what types of things do I learn easily?" That goes to the seven learning styles. We all learn best in different ways. We all use a mix of these learning styles. Personally, I feel like every thing taught in school should be taught to all the different styles.

The Seven Learning Styles

  • Visual (spatial):You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
  • Aural (auditory-musical): You prefer using sound and music.
  • Verbal (linguistic): You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
  • Physical (kinesthetic): You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
  • Logical (mathematical): You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
  • Social (interpersonal): You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
  • Solitary (intrapersonal): You prefer to work alone and use self-study.
My learning styles include visual, physical, logical, and solitary. 
How can you take something hard to learn and make it easy? In theory, you just practice learning the subject in a style that comes easy to you. With language it could mean a picture of a muffin and the word muffin. That's because muffin in French is muffin.
I forget the Spanish word. That was from the app not the workbook. "Mollete" (moy-et-ay)There you go! Good thing the apps are on my tablet and computer! The app is better because you can  hear the pronunciations. The workbooks are better because you are writing it down a bunch of times and more likely to remember it.
The Spanish I remember the best is from middle school, high school, and college. Because it was taught in a lot of different ways. I heard it. I saw it. I wrote it. Repeatedly! It stuck better.
Perhaps I will take a French and a Spanish class when Zach starts middle school and I can't volunteer at the school anymore. I'll do what I can in the next two years. But, that's probably my best bet!
The brain is a fascinating organ. It's the centerpiece of who we were, who we are, and who we are becoming. It's personalized to each of us in how we learn and how our body works. It's the most powerful organ we have. Because even the heart can't continue to beat without it.  

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