Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Not So Fast, Little Boy!!!

Zach's birthday is a little over a month away. So, we started to brainstorm. It's left me with two big thoughts:

1. I really wish I had a daughter too. There is nothing cute in his "favorites" category!

2. Stop growing, Zach,.......... just................stop it!!!

Zach's current hits list includes the classic Pokémon characters, Beyblades, Baseball, and Five Nights at Freddy's.  Beyblades are basically top wars based on a tv show. He has a plastic "stadium" and has these trigger things that release the beyblades into the stadium. The last one turning wins as they hit each other. Parent bonus, it's actually a cheap toy.

Five Nights at Freddy's is based on a gruesome game app for teenagers. Freaky looking animals try to make it through a night at Freddy's Pizza. Freddy is the bear in the middle in this picture. Zach can't play the game. But, his friends and him like collecting the plushies of the characters and clothing with the characters on it. Foxy is his favorite. "I survived five nights at Freddy's".

I don't mind the Pokémon and Beyblades. While not cute, at least they aren't literally supposed to be a nightmare! I really hate Five Nights at Freddy's. But, Zach loves them. I have been able to find things that don't bother me that much for them. But, after too much Freddy's talk I threaten to talk about Barbies. That shuts him up right quick! Luckily, we have a lot of other great topics to talk about.

Developmental Psychologist Eric Erikson calls age 8 the start of late childhood. He's right. Even though when Zach was younger his favorite things changed, he stilled like toys. Now,  it's about collections.

He's one of the youngest in his class. Throughout the year his friends have been making the internal changes that come along with a new stage in development. Most of them can tie their own shoes now. If you ask Zach, he'll say he can too. But, he refuses to practice getting it right so he's not so good at it. That's one of the skills that just clicks one day. Suddenly, he'll just get it.

He's also almost out of the booster seat! It's embarrassing for him that he's the last one in a booster. He's complaining about the seatbelt while in it. But, the law says 8 or 80lbs. He's 64 lbs. Ironically, with medication they have to give him the dose for a 9 year old. Car seat laws seriously don't take into account actual kid sizes.

It's not just another birthday. It's a new stage in development. Exciting and scary. He does more to help around the house now. No more spoons in the humidifier. Now he carries in all the groceries and puts them away. He earns points which he later cashes in for things. Usually related to the above characters. He does his own laundry sometimes too.

Now that he's played some baseball, it's easier to watch Yankee games with him. We enjoy doing it as a family. It's a good thing to bond over. A healthy thing I love seeing his interest in grow. He's not a fan of practice, but he is making friends from other schools in town. In middle school, these will be the kids he eats lunch with. Baseball buddies.

But, not so fast, little boy!!! Mommy still wants HUGS!!! Luckily, he's good for it at home. I still treasure the parts of him that are still very much a kid. A reminder we still have a couple of years before the worries become preteen related! But, it's coming sooner then we'd like!

I have been thinking a lot about when he was really young. Pre-preschool which he started at 2 and a half. I really miss those days. Holding him. Carrying him. Feeding him his bottle. Even changing his diapers. I'll never have that again. I long for it. I am proud of the responsible, helpful, and loving kid he is. But, as he slowly doesn't need me as much anymore, I'm finding I need him more. I miss my little boy but enjoy the kid he is.

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