Thursday, July 07, 2016

When Complete Is Incomplete (Silly Rabbit Edit: 7/18/2016)

Includes lots of pictures!

I finished my hats and wraps project. I had finished them before. But the stitch was done wrong on the crochet hats and the knit hats were too big. So I remade all 10 of the hats!!! All better!!! Pictures below!!!

It looks like it was expensive to complete this project but it really wasn't. Three of the visors are left over from a previous project from years ago. A project that I thought was complete but wasn't. But, I am using some of them for a new project.

As I updated my project list. I am learning something about myself. For a while, I liked having a few projects going at a time. But when I remade the hats, I learned I can easily finish them in a day or two if they were my only project.

So I move on to another one of my projects within a project. For Christmas I had made Zach a blanket. I am in the process of making one for Josh and one for me. I've put mine aside and have been focusing on Josh's blanket. Even when his is complete, it won't be a complete project..........not until mine is done. These pictures are below too!!!

With OCD complete is never actually complete. Yes, we have checked and confirmed the door is indeed locked. But, that one time isn't good enough. For most people, once the door is checked, the task is complete. With OCD, it's incomplete. Because it was only checked once. What if a mistake was made? What if the checker wasn't focused when checking?

The anxiety feeds the OCD. Most people with GAD have OCD too. Just like me. The fear makes you check so many times. It goes well beyond the locked door. It's reached a point where, with some things, if I'm not anxious, I start to feel anxious. Because why am I not anxious about it?

OCD fuels this project but it's not what started it. I have high blood pressure. I can't handle too much heat and sunlight. So I started collecting the brimmed hats to create shade. But, then I needed visors for when my hair is in a pony tail. In the end, all of these are used plenty and necessary. There isn't much waste.

The only waste is the headband I made. In the winter, there were times when it was snowing and I wish I had a brimmed hat. So I got that on clearance. But, I needed something like a hat for summer to fit that category. The headband is a good choice but I'm having trouble figuring out the situations I'd wear it in. At least it was one of the things I made and I used hardly any yarn for it. That cost about 25 cents to make.









This project isn't complete. Whenever I treat a project like it's complete, I always end up changing things. It helps with the summer heat and sun but it also helps with my winter depression. In the winter, I used to always feel like I look the same. It might still be the same coat, but at least my hats and cowl changes. So I'm not wearing in March what I wore in January. I found this past winter that really helped keep the depression away. Looking just a little bit different makes a difference.

It looks complete. What could I possibly add to it? But I know it's incomplete. I don't know what I would add. It feels complete. But, somehow, I know there will be a change. It's incomplete. But, that's part of what calms the anxiety. The compulsions in OCD are routine. That calms me.

Silly Rabbit Edit:
So, it's not complete. I got a brown sarong for fall and a purple one for spring. I still have a use for what is pictured for them though. I'll post new pictures for spring and fall soon.

My focus now is Josh's blanket. Square by square. I have done two squares a day the last few days. I have 6 out of the 12 patterns done and 3 of the 20 solids. One of the pattern squares is a template. I need to make sure they are the same size. That's why it's not sewn on.

Josh's in progress blanket

My in progress blanket


Zach's completed blanket

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