Thursday, December 03, 2015

The Formula Test (edit 1/9/2016)

In July, Zach went for his annual well-child visit. It's the same office as before, but there is a new doctor there. So I did what I call "The Formula Test". I asked how she felt about formula feeding. She looked confused between Zach and me. He's a very healthy six year old. Why was I bringing up formula? I didn't tell her why until she answered. But, here's why.

Because we went strait to the bottle. I did a lot of research when pregnant. I read so many stories of women who had Post Partum Depression when breastfeeding. But, started feeling better once they switched to formula. Pumping had the same effects as breastfeeding, not formula. I have so many hormonal issues, I decided to go strait to the bottle.

I researched the best type. Powdered to avoid BpH and distilled water like Poland Spring was the best combination. Tap water contains chemicals that are fine for older kids. But the distilled bottled water was best for babies. That came from the Pediatricians at the office when I was pregnant and Zach was a baby. They mentioned Poland Spring by name!

Her response to my question was this. "There is nothing wrong with formula. Go for what is best for your baby." No judgment for my decision. Now I knew I could trust her! Just like the Lactation Consultant at the hospital. I told her when pregnant of my decision. I told her I would throw a dirty diaper at anyone who tried to force me to breastfeed. No pressure. I was left in peace and greeted after delivery with Enfamil. I recommend her to anyone who DOES want a Lactation Consultant!

I did home make his baby food. That has helped him make healthy choices as he's gotten older. But I don't judge the people using jar food. Because I rarely was judged for formula feeding. I don't care if I see someone breastfeeding in public. Unless that mother judges the formula feeding mothers. That's like the "Meat is Murder" people who make me want to eat a burger in front of them! For normal Vegetarians or Vegans, I'm respectful. I can't respect the "Meat is Murder" people!

I don't trust doctors who are judgmental and bossy. I recently had an appointment for myself with a doctor who was. I didn't do the formula test, but I should have. Then I would have made that appointment with a different doctor. Since then, I created my own version of the formula test. We'll see how it goes. I know for a fact my current doctors would all pass it. They have in a way already taken it!

It's important to trust your doctor. It's important to feel comfortable with your doctor. If you don't, it effects your quality of care. Personally, I need what is referred to as a "hand holding" doctor. I have an appointment coming up with an Endocrinologist. When I mentioned that, the Receptionist switched who my appointment was with. I felt comfortable just talking to her! I didn't feel that way with my previous Endocrinologist. We'll see how he handles my version of the formula test.

So what is it?

I stopped making veggies with dinner. I was the only one eating them. If I have to cut back quantity of food, I'm not cutting out the stuff my body craves. I tried that. It didn't work. So now Josh and I have veggies with lunch and Zach has some as an after school snack. This is when we all prefer eating our veggies anyway. It shouldn't matter WHEN you get your veggies. Just THAT you get your veggies.

I once had a nurse tell me petite carrots weren't healthy. Now, if you tell me dark chocolate isn't healthy, I get that. But it was CARROTS! What did she expect me to eat then?! You can't trust you'll be well cared for when you come across someone like that!


It boils down to this. I have tried so many diets for so long it's hard to tell me what to change. I've made all the recommended changes. Some stuck, some aren't sustainable. Basically, there is no help for me. I am trying but I know I have a long list of "not gonna change". Everything on that list is there because I tried to remove it from my diet but couldn't. In the month since I wrote this post I have come to realize it's not really about when I have my veggies.

I know my body. With that one doctor before the Endocrinologist, I told her what it was and she didn't believe me. I had that health issue before and was familiar with what I felt. She didn't believe me. Tests proved me right. Recently, that problem came back. This time, I went to my Primary Doctor. They listened. They respected my experience and sure enough I was right. It means better care.

As for the Endocrinologist, I really liked him. Basically, it's possible he won't be able to figure out what my problem is. But he agrees after my diet history there is most likely a medical issues. Whether it can be identified or not. I respect his honesty. We are still awaiting test results. But he listened. What I said influenced how he treated me. So my treatment is what I need.

So I have a new formula test for my doctors. I mention my eating disorder history. Most of my problems now are connected to it. I know that from research. It's doctor confirmed. If it gets brushed off, I can't trust they will take everything into consideration when treating me. If they address it, they can be trusted. Even when they say "it's not likely connected to this but it's worth keeping in mind". It means they are hearing me. They are valuing what I am saying. They are using it to help them do their jobs better. THAT'S a great doctor.

The doctor I'm on the fence about is one in a practice of a few. The other doctor I saw in that practiced passed my test. I'm open to seeing others. The iffy doctor wasn't even that bad. I might give her a second chance in the future. But she acted like she knew everything and I knew nothing about my body. That's NOT okay!!! How can she treat me how I need if she's not listening to me? The formula test is really a necessary trust test. It works with more then just doctors!!!

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