Sunday, May 12, 2013

Zach On Mommy For Mother's Day 2013

Okay so it's really me typing but it's Zach's perspective:

1. Mommy is good and making me feel better. She holds me close when I need comfort and gives me lots of kisses (cheek). She lets me sit on her lap with all my taggies and blankie too. Her arms feel good.

2. I love sitting next to Mommy at meals. She gives me lots of hugs and kisses while we eat. It's nice to get so many hugs and kisses

3. I love when Mommy sits next to me in the car when Daddy drives. She holds my hand and sneaks in kisses. I love having her near.

These aren't exactly his words. But these are things he clearly loves. He comes to me for comfort, wants to sit next to me at restaurants and Grandma and Pop's house, and often asks me to sit next to him in the car if Daddy is driving. In parking lots he can choose my hand or Josh's and chooses mine.

He's a Mommy's boy. There is no denying it. We share a lot of hugs and kisses. At bedtime I say "Hugs, Cuddles, and Kisses". At preschool drop off he always says "two hugs, two kisses, and one cuddle" and we do. Josh and I started saying that to each other after we said "I love you" while dating.

When Zach was born one of the first things I did when I FINALLY got to hold him was kiss his cheek and say "Kisses from Mommy because Mommy loves you". I say that at bedtime too. When he was 3 months old I remember him open mouthed bobbing at my cheek. At first I thought he was trying to bite me since that's around when he started teething but it turned out he was sharing his love with a 3 month old's version of kisses. That's why I started the "kisses from Mommy" thing. So long before he could say the words he'd be able to show how he really feels. Clearly, the lesson worked.

I frequently post about how Zach and I share an interest in gardening and decorating as well as how wonderful he is. I posted about parenting Zach and it's better then I ever dreamed. While there are many posts on a variety of topics there is one thing that is always clear about Zach, he's a fantastic child and I love him so much.

Recently, I posted about my miscarriages and how much I love just watching him. He's almost 4 and I find myself cherishing how small he still is. Friday was the Mother's Day show at his school and I made it a point at bedtime to tell him this "All I ever wanted was to be a Mommy. You made me a Mommy. It's the best gift in the world. Thank you for making me a Mommy". Later, I said to Josh this, "Thanks for having sex with me and making me a Mommy. You're the best husband and Daddy in the world." He laughed.

Most Mother's feel like they have the best kids in the world and most wives feel they have the best husbands in the world. It's sort of like when I redefined "perfect". We all have different definitions for "best kid(s)/spouse" and that's good. We are all different in so many other ways. I'm sure there are other fantastic husbands (my Dad being the first to come to mind) who could win MVH awards (Most Valuable Husband) but Josh is perfect for me. He gets my Frannyisms and is entertained by most of them. A favorite being a passionate kiss followed by "you're sick not dead" which recently got revived as "I'm sick not dead" (bad allergies).

I love my Mom very much. She might be a difficult person but that's how she was created and that's how she likes it. It's not easy being her daughter. Sometimes I do feel like a disappointment but then she reminds me of all the things about me she appreciated/appreciates and I feel better.

Basically, I was born with an eating disorder. I came home from the hospital on a Friday with one instruction to get me to Monday "make sure she eats". Needless to say breastfeeding didn't work and a bath only helped a little. The bath was recommended by the doctor when my parents called in a panic. They kept a journal. Zach's Pediatrician was mine, it was a new practice for me, and he STILL talks about that at the well-visits. Mainly because that was never an issue with Zach. It was never an issue with my brother. My Mom tells the swim class story. 6 Month old me at swim class required the small bottle and a lot of "just a little more" encouragement. My brother gulped the big bottle and threw it away.

My diet struggles will forever be my Mother's. She suffers with me. She's a fantastic Mother. I know she loves me. For every "you were a frustrating kid to feed" story there are two "you were so wonderful" stories. For my parents, We were the best kids in the world (until Zach). My Mom says he's the best of both me and my brother, a healthy appetite but so good at being polite, being gentle, hugs, ect..... it's a long list.

With one child it would be easy to spoil them. Most parents of only children try not to. We are among that list. It's hard though because like 95% of his requests are reasonable. When he's being reasonable it's hard to not give him what he wants. But that's what we all want, for our kids to be reasonable in what they ask for. He's not "tantrum in store until I get this toy or dragged out" kind of kid and never has been. We are blessed.

It's Mother's Day. All I ever wanted even as a little girl was to be a wife and mother. My 5th grade bookmark for "future career" says "day care worker". I've always wanted to take care of others. I'm living my dream............mostly..........and am very happy with my life.

My first Mother's Day was when I was pregnant at about 34 weeks. "Zach" gave me a topaz necklace. Instinct told me the day of my 38 week u/s would be the day he was born. Actually, that was the instinct from the moment I saw the two lines on the pregnancy test. Somehow, I just knew just like I knew I was going to get pregnant that day while planting those Hyacinths. That's why I wore that necklace to that u/s, I wanted to be wearing it when we was born. Sure enough I wore it the entire time I was in the hospital. It's my "Zachary" necklace and I wear it with my Summer wardrobe. My mom was in the delivery room when he was born. I highly recommend that.

Happy Mother's Day to all of us Mommies. It's the title I always wanted and wear proudly. I will be spending a lot of today just watching my Zach and giving him lots of hugs and usual. That's how all Mother's should spend Mother's Day, if possible. Because "kisses from Mommy because Mommy loves you" applies to all of us Mommies.


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