Thursday, January 24, 2013

Abortion and Birth Control

January 22nd marked the 40th anniversary of the historic Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court ruling. Many think it legalized abortion. All it really did was say the states can't interfere with a woman's "right to privacy" based on the 14th amendment's due process clause.

"but that right must be balanced against the state's two legitimate interests in regulating abortions: protecting prenatal life and protecting women's health. Arguing that these state interests became stronger over the course of a pregnancy, the Court resolved this balancing test by tying state regulation of abortion to the trimester of pregnancy." - Wikipedia

Roe vs. Wade

14th Amendment

With that, I have decided to post my stance on abortion. I'm in a unique position. A college friend got an abortion and a friend on a Baby Center message board from five years ago did for medical reasons. I myself was faced with that rough choice when I got pregnant in college in 2002. That pregnancy was my first miscarriage at 13 weeks. I didn't know I was pregnant and even continued to get a period (so I never took a test) but kept thinking "if I were to be pregnant my only way out would be a miscarriage". That was two years after my college friend got her abortion. Abortion would never be something I would be comfortable with. After that miscarriage, my Mom came to visit me at school and we talked. She asked what I would have done. I wouldn't have been comfortable with adoption either. But these are my personal feelings.

When my college friend, in 2000, had her abortion she was in the 4th month when she was finally able to get the money for it. She had to get an ultrasound (it was South Carolina) and told me about a 14 year old getting her third abortion. That reminded me of a High School friend who was having sex. When I asked her what she would do if she got pregnant she said "that's easy, get an abortion". This has influenced my views on abortion because there are girls who see it as a sick form of birth control and it's much bigger then that. But it should be legal with certain restrictions.

1. If the mother-to-be in under 21 she should have to have a parent/guardian sign a form stating they are aware and approve of the abortion. That should be accompanied by the patient's birth certificate, parent/guardian legal identification (passport, driver's licence, ect...). If it's a guardian they should also have to show the legal proof of guardianship all of which get copied and added to the patient file.

2. One free Psychological session before and after required so the mother understands what's going on and can start working through emotions safely.

3. ultrasound required but the mother not being required to look just to make sure the baby is younger then 24 weeks. Unless the mother was a victim of rape/molestation or the mother's health is in danger. Ultrasounds are usually what is used to determine if a baby can survive outside the womb but if a different doctor-adminstered test already determined that I don't see why an ultrasound would be necessary. The mother should be given one last chance after this to change her mind but not be shamed into changing her mind. Her decision should be respected.

4. Illegal after 24 weeks. It's very easy to learn of a pregnancy early on. Even my friend looking for the money was 14 weeks. This would encourage more women to take the pregnancy test sooner. If the Mother's health was in danger this would be preterm induced labor at 24 weeks or later and they would be required to try to save the baby. Note the word "try".

Strict? yes but that's because there are people who get abortions instead of use protection. I'm a strong supporter of the pill. The pill stops ovulation so there is nothing to fertilize. I don't like these states that want to count an egg and a sperm as a person. That's trying to find a way around Roe vs. Wade and make abortion illegal. That's going too far.

These are also the states with high teen pregnancy rates, little if any sex education classes, "abstinence only" thinking, and high parent-kills-their-child rates. There is a connection. There is less need for abortion with more complete sex education and some form of birth control encouraged and cheap and accessible especially condoms which also protect from STDs. These states are thinking the babies would be given up for adoption. They are also taking money from Social Services. How are they going to pay for all these kids to be in group homes if they can't pay for the kids there now? Especially since these are the homophobic states that make it almost impossible for gay couples to adopt. Would they rather a mother keep murdering her kids then abort early in a pregnancy? Wouldn't it be best to have easy and cheap access to birth control so these babies aren't created in the first place? Yes these are the same states that objected most to Obama's contraceptive part of the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Abortion isn't the answer, better sex education and very cheap and easy to get contraceptives are. But there are some cases that abortion is what's best. Guns are less regulated then Women's Rights. That's messed up. I understand wanting to have safe and sterile abortion rooms and require doctors performing the procedures to be highly trained, that's a matter of safety, but you can't force a woman to have a child, in some cases putting herself or her baby in danger, then not help. Sometimes the abortion is because kids are just too expensive.

My Baby Center friend had to abort at 16 weeks because the baby had a rare disease, I think it was tricomy 7, and wouldn't have survived outside the womb. It was very hard for her to do but she is glad she did it. My college friend who had her abortion was haunted by it up until the last time I saw her (Spring 2001 before I transfered). She was aware about how big it was but knew it was the right choice. You never get over loosing a child, even if it was your decision. The best option is contraceptives.

They aren't 100% effective but in today's world expecting abstinence is as unrealistic as expecting George Washington to rise from the dead and clarify the second amendment's intentions. Anyone who thinks abstinence is realistic for most people is delusional. We're married and can't afford a second child. Abstinence in marriage leads to things like cheating and/or divorce. Not everyone using contraceptives are college students who like to party. There are a lot of couples like us, using contraceptives for family management due to financial status. Our voices need to be heard too. We can't be forgotten in this discussion.

Every woman deserves the right to control her body. It's ironic that those that want to regulate the crap out of our reproductive rights also fight gun regulation and want small government. Planned Parenthood might perform safe abortions but they also screen and treat breast cancer and many other women's issues. They aren't the "bad guys". Abortion should not be available as birth control but there are times when it is necessary. The best thing Pro-lifers can do is fight for very cheap and very easily accessible birth control and sex education.

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