Sunday, December 16, 2012

Like A Frat House

This weekend has been full of parties and a frat house. I actually have no idea if that's true but it goes along with the frat house stereotype so, why not. I might be better off by starting with what happened to me last Sunday.

I like staying up late when Josh is home the next day. After he goes to bed it's so peaceful to just chill out with my wine watching TV and letting my mind wonder. So on Saturday night last week I went to bed around 2am so it was technically Sunday. around 4:35am my cell phone went off with a text. It was in the living room so I got up to get it. It was a useless ad. Being so tired and having gotten out of bed on the quick side I was stumbling back to bed when suddenly I felt strong cold sweats, shakiness, dizziness, nausea, and heart palpitations. I tried to make it back to bed but fainted. I scared Josh that's for sure! Water and taking my nightgown off helped me cool down but I fainted two more times somewhere in there. When I eventually got up I took a  warm water shower to regulate my body temperature and had a cracker and some juice in case it was a Hypoglycemic episode. After calling the doctor's emergency line she sent me to the ER so when Zach woke up Pop was here and Daddy was with Mommy.

They gave me a saline solution and tested everything. That includes for a concussion since I hit the back of my head and my tailbone on the way down. They still hurt! Otherwise, all is good but it was nice to see the sodium blood work reading a little on the low side. Not dangerously low but with my diet it's good to know that's not the problem. Pregnancy?  nope. Hypoglycemic attack? We'll never really know since my blood sugar was in the right place by then, but remember I had the juice and crackers. In the end they determined it was a weird fluke from exhaustion and getting up too fast. Doctor speak for "we have no idea". But now I'm wondering............

Zach's holiday show was at school and Josh stayed home to see it. Josh wasn't feeling good when we went to Burger King for lunch after the show and on the way home threw up.....A LOT!!! He seemed good and that evening Zach's friend, Niko, came to play and for dinner. It was his first time with a friend over and it went incredibly well!!! Unfortunately, Josh threw up a bunch of times during and after their visit. I had asked in the afternoon if he wanted to cancel this visit but he kept saying "no". We really should have. He may have been dehydrated since he hadn't had any water until that night when he finally sat still and sipped water with a little lime in it.

Josh was better, I was tired but myself and so was Zach. This is when Josh went grocery shopping and Zach and I spent a long time at my parent's house making Christmas Cookies. Zach had three but was good. This was our slow day.

In the morning he had a friend/classmate's birthday party. Then, after nap, we went to my parent's house for my Mom's Christmas Eve dinner. She's hosting Christmas Day but wanted to get everyone together and this meant my Uncle Len, her brother, was able to spend a holiday celebration with us. Right before other people arrived Zach threw up. Josh took him home to change but Zach just threw up a lot. About an hour after he had some water he stopped throwing up so it may have also been dehydration since he's had a lot more juice then water this weekend. That's a rarity. Before the party he complained about a stomach ache from all the sugar so I gave him some water.

Now my Dad is concerned that I might be next to throw up. Maybe, or maybe I had this last Sunday and just didn't vomit. Only time will tell. Zach has not thrown up in a couple of hours so here's hoping he stays healthy but I'm keeping him home from school tomorrow anyway. He didn't have a fever.

Was the weekend  overstimulating? Probably and on Saturday he has another friend's party, it's going to be his first time bowling. But at least that's the only plan for next weekend. I sure hope I had it already since I have no idea what I'd do during the day if I get this vomiting thing. I don't know if it is just hope or the real problem but I think it was dehydration for the boys. We usually drink a lot more water but it hasn't been a water kind of weekend. At least I know no one was drunk! It still felt like a frat house. Man! I sure am tired of vomit laundry!!!

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