Sunday, February 26, 2012

Look Mom, No ........../Nap/Chairs For Mommy/I Love My Mom (With My Labor Story)

Look Mom, No............

Stroller. He walks far and a lot. His stamina for his age is quite impressive. So we have been exploring taking him places without the stroller. The park is no biggie. The other day we walked around the lake with Grandma then went to the playground. He keeps up a good pace and it was nice not to have the stroller. My concern was leaving the playground but he's been good about that too.

We also have had him stroller free in stores. Sometimes he runs away and we have to run after him. Most times he stays near us. Josh needed a new Short Sleeve dress shirt (the necks were too tight on his others) so the boys went alone last night. Zach did run away while Josh was paying. it's a transitionary time so Zach is still learning. He was great for me with standing next to me when I got him a tie last week. He loves his dress shirt and tie so I figure if he's gonna wanna wear it I would rather he have a tie I like that goes with a lot more then the red one my mom had saved from my brother. Zach wears his ties with everything, including PJ tops.

This was the first time my baby ever was in the stroller. We took a family walk. I still can't believe he was ever that small!!!


With the weather getting nicer we have moved Zach's naptime. It used to be around 1:30 but then he slept a long time and by the time he woke up, it was too late to enjoy nice days. So his new naptime is 2:30 so he can go out after lunch. Instead of letting him sleep sometimes over 3 hours we now wake him up at 4:30. It's helping him sleep later into the morning too (bedtime is potty and PJs on at 9:30 in bed by 9:45). He really seems to like his new naptime, just like us.

Chairs For Mommy

As the weather warms up we all prepare for what Spring means. My Hyacinths are starting to sprout and yesterday was Spring/March decorating day. It also is time to start looking for new yard chairs. Last year, the landscapers cut part of the connection in the back of one of my yard chairs so I needed new ones. I'll still use the good one we had previously but Zach likes the bigger chairs and we need 3 anyway so I just got two. The original ones came from Linens 'N' Things which went out of business when I was pregnant. I had seem them at Target last year but when Target got their picnic/beach stuff in this year, nope. I asked a sales associate and that's all they are getting (except restocking the same stuff). So off to K-Mart we went and sure enough they had the plastic Andirondac chairs I like (that stack nicely on top of my old one too). I got it in Lime because my old one is teal and they look good together but they do have it in while (right at the entrance $25 each). This will be fun! Especially for Josh!!! He loves me but while I'm outside he's inside doing his own thing and as much as he loves me, he loves that independent time too. By this point in the winter we both long for 50 degree at 11pm  weather because we are ready for more of our own space!!!

Zach is short enough for the broken chair (can't see the broken part in the picture but basically you can't lean your head against the back). I sit on them at night in 50 - 100 degree whether with my wine thinking and talking to neighbors. After Zach goes to bed, Josh will do his own thing inside, usually with a game on. I miss a lot of games during the nice months but these are times I cherish!!! 

I Love My Mom

As much as I complain about my mom I want to make it clear I love her. Tonight I was watching the episode of Friends where Rachel has baby Emma (final episode season 8) and can't get Zach's birth out of my mind. See I decided before he was born to have her in the delivery room. These days most moms to be just want the fathers. I love Josh but sometimes, I need my Mommy. This was it!!! She was so proud to be there. After Zach was born, when we were doing the last part, my dad wanted to come into the delivery room. While pushing out the placenta I told him to stay where he is (quite sure that's the moment the Dr thought I'm gonna make a great mom). My doctor was away but the on call doctor (the only one to scare me during pre-labor but who initially kept Zach in) took Zach out. Below is my labor story. I highly recommend having your mother there if you're close. It made all the difference in the world. After his birth, she had us over nightly for family dinner so I wouldn't have to cook (when the picture below was taken). We didn't have a car then so my dad came to get us every night. I might have my issues with her but when I discribe our relationship it's really close and loving. During those dinners my brother did something funny/stupid. He's an Eagle Scout/Scoutmaster and had been recently on a camping trip. He was white water rafting and fell in. It tore up his butt. He's there trying to complain about how much his butt hurt to his mother (who was in a delivery room recently) and his sister (who had just delivered a baby with an episiodomy (they cut you) a tear (my body cut itself) and three burst hemroids). That shut him up quickly. No sympathy there! Again, I highly recommend including your mother in the delivery!!!

Written not long after his birth
Zach was born June 5th. He is beautiful and a wonderful baby. He really only cries when he wants food and is a good eater. He is perfectly healthy as well and already lifting his head higher then the average 45 degrees! He loves Tummy Time. Just now he is starting to figure out day from night. Here are the labor highlights. I went for a 38 week ultrasound with a 9am appointment. After about a 30 minute wait we went in. On the way home the RN called me. My fluid was low (3 should have been between 5  and 20) and the doctor wanted to monitor me. My doctor was away so the covering doctor (who turned out to be my mom’s doctor) made the call. I get to the desk in the maternity ward and he said he is inducing me. I was 3cm dialated when I got there and at the u/s we saw contractions but I wasn’t feeling them. After about an hour my membranes ruptured. The contractions were hard but I breathed through them. At 4cm he broke my water but I wanted to wait for the epidural thinking this will be a while it’s 4cm. Dialated too fast for the epidural. Right away they took me to the delivery room just in case. My back was killing me so I took a 10 minute long hot shower. When I lay down on the table, I was 9cm. A minute later I felt the pushing contractions and asked the nurse to check, I was 10cm and ready. There was a lady next door delivering her 2nd or 3rd child so he had the resident do that while he planned to go back and forth. Not so much. It took less then 30 minutes of pushing (note this was a natural birth) to deliver. He had the cord around his neck but both APGARs were 9s. I tore and had an episiotomy to get him out though (as well as 3 burst hemroids) and the stitching took as long as the delivery. 5:18pm he was here. The bleeding stopped after 2 weeks though. I’m a very busy very happy mommy. He was 7lbs 2oz. 21 inches long with a full head of hair.

Hindsight Notes:

Three miscarriages = high risk pregnancy. Zach was born with the cord around his neck and I didn't feel the contractions shown in the u/s. It seemed odd how soon the started pictocin to speed labor, broke my water, and got me in delivery. It's possible they saw the cord around his neck in the u/s. My doctor knows about my anxiety disorder (in fact the reason I ended up on bed rest for a month was when I went into pre-labor two days after my shower my doctor (who doesn't think bedrest works) asked what happened. I said "OCD and nesting don't mix" I got bedrest. Periodically God slows me down hence all the broken feet and the bedrest. Anyway, His knows about my anxiety disorder and may have instructed the RN (who knows me well) and the u/s tech not to tell me about complications but to get me to the hospital ASAP!!! 38 weeks for a high risk pregnancy is safe, almost safer then letting the baby go the extra 12 days to the due date!!! The fact the doctor seemed to be in a rush always bothered me, I just want to know why. But Zach was born with the cord around his neck, that would cause a rush and a mother with an anxiety disorder, the stress and worries of it might cause extra complications. It was the right call.

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