Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Exercise With Mommy

As mentioned earlier Zach is with me for almost all of the exercise I get. While I won't keep track of weight, waist, exercise need and exercise got for the week for December (I hit a rut and it wasn't working) I still eat well and exercise as much as I can. We have taken advantage of nice weather and take a really long family walks after dinner and on Sunday mornings. Zach walks part of the way (unless it's too cold to move that slow) and we use the stroller the rest of the way.

But that's not the only exercise he gets with me. Walking outside is fine for 35 - 85 degree weather (Fahrenheit) but if it's hotter, colder, or wet that won't work. Sometimes I walk in stores but it's December and that's not effective. So I pulled out a modified version of the exercise program I created last winter. I include more and this time it's not choreographed so it's more fun. Last year, Zach would watch from his high chair and love it. He grew out of that thing a long time ago. Now, we close the french doors with him in the kitchen watching, I exercise in the living room and he tries to do everything I do. Until he gets distracted but he can last a while. It's the cutest thing watching him stretch like me and try the other things I do. Just like when I was a dance teacher a very long time ago.

He gets excited when I say I'll stay home instead of use a store and when I go grab my exercise cloths, he gets his sneakers too (he officially dressed himself completely today (the shirt was backwards but he got it all by himself!!!) I love that he's learning that exercise isn't a chore, it's Mommy's play and it's an enjoyable family activity. It's wonderful that when we go outside after nap for him to play he'd rather take a walk. I bring the stroller now because he loves to go far. He's always loved to explore now it's a bigger world with wonderful healthy habits.

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