Friday, September 23, 2011

Zach Has Decided!!!

Zach's vocabulary is getting bigger so that is accompanied by his vocalizing his views and desires more. He talks a lot about helping me cook so I know he likes to and can find things for him to do. He loves all sports and will sit on the potty as long as possible just to watch as much of the game as he can before bed. You should have seen him when the Devil's first preseason game was on!!! "Zach, do you want Hockey or Soccer" his answer: "Hockey" which surprised me because he loves playing Soccer in the yard and talks about that all the time too. I like knowing his preferences.

It's time for the new Fall session to start at the Y. Zach was signed up for his favorite class, Gym, and a new experience, Music. The Music class is on the second floor. I tried several times but couldn't do it so he took the first class with Grandma C. While he was there, I looked into the swim class and if they still had any openings. He had been asking for swimming all week and I wanted an alternative. The swim class is on the first floor. I did make it upstair towards the end of the class and quietly watched him bang the drum.......for a minute. Then he spotted me and kept saying "drum" I went to open the door to get in and he ran out as soon as possible. The teacher ran late so he missed a little. My mom told me that he didn't fuss but didn't participate.

He's slow to adjust to new things so I wasn't surprised but with the first gym class he didn't run out right away. I gave him the choice, Swim with Mommy or Music with Grandma. He played, explored the dressing room again, watched a swim class, ran down to the gym class and in the end I asked again. He had been thinking about it and the answer didn't surprise me,"Swim". I had to get a 3T swimsuit since the suit he has is 2T. That's fun to shop for at this time of year.

His current clothing preference is to go all "Kiddie Polar Bear Club" on me and walk around in nothing but his snow boots (yes the new ones for this year). I like seeing his choices because it helps me learn about him as a person. He took 50 cents from my Dad's car while playing in it and the conversation went something like this:

Grandma: So Zach what are you going to do with your money?
Zach: Shopping JC Penny buy stuff

When I ask where he wants to go in the morning lately it's been JC Penny too. He likes to run around the boys section and wear a Giants hat while I exercise. He also has been pumpkin hunting since the day he got his special pumpkin, like when I went to exercise in Target today. He kept picking up any pumpkin or Jack-O-Lantern in sight. After Target, he pointed in the direction and requested JC Penny. However, it's raining so we just went home.

I have been giving him choices whenever possible because he needs to learn how to make decisions and to accept the consequences like it or not. This is where good decision making is initially learned.

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