A year ago, at 10 months, he was in a pair of 18 month ones (he reached 18 month sizes last year on April 1st and 2T tops as on July 1st. 9 months in 2T tops is a good run). Anyway, he's in the footy PJs playing after nap time and he's reaching into the toy basket and falls in face forward. All I saw when I looked back at his cry were his legs and feet sticking up and moving like he was trying to walk (that took until August 14th). It was funny for me yet scary for him and I freed him right away. He's tentative about reaching into long things now. He also was thrilled when we switched to regular PJs.
My little boy is not so little. To anyone who knows us, that's not a surprise. He's tall for his age so most strangers think he's two already. Try 22 months (Tuesday). Tall but always well proportioned as per his well child check ups. I always ask the Doctor. Josh's side and my father's side is littered with tall people. My lower end of average height is from my mom's side. It seems weird that he's not even 2 yet and he's already in 3T clothing (partially). I had a complete wardrobe in 3T all ready just in case. I'm glad I was so prepared so soon. Things like the long sleeve shirts you can't buy now.
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