Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Violence And Peace

This past weekend we had two mass shootings within a 24 hour time period. El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. These terrorists were called "gunmen" in the news. At it's core, that is one of the problems causing this to continue happening. They are TERRORISTS! Just like Muslim suicide bombers, they are terrorists. Religion, nationality, none of that changes that the correct word is "terrorists". It's time for the media to start using the correct word. Because "gunman" implies it's lower on the evil-doing hierarchy. "Gunmen" are not as bad as "terrorists". But, they kill just as many, sometimes more. So, they are terrorists.


ter·​ror·​ist | \ ˈter-ər-ist
plural terrorists

Definition of terrorist

 (Entry 1 of 2)
: an advocate or practitioner of terrorism as a means of coercion Opposition still runs high to the idea of releasing or bringing into U.S. prisons dozens of men widely considered dangerous terrorists even if many are not.Less than three weeks before the Winter Olympics are set to begin in the Russian city of Sochi, police there have begun hunting for suspected terrorists allegedly plotting attacks.Time


Definition of terrorist (Entry 2 of 2)
: or, relating to, or characteristic of terrorists or terrorism : practicing or involving violent acts of terror a terrorist organizationThe consequences of the U.S. response to the terrorist attacks of September 2001 will ramify for decades.— Joe Klein There is no margin for error when a real terrorist threat is present and the safety of the public, and the first responders, is in jeopardy.— Gary J. Laughlin
Right after reading five articles in the Washington Post about the acts of terrorism this past weekend, I read one about an abusive ex-lover who tried to kill his ex-girlfriend's husband. But, accidentally killed the wrong man. How wasn't he spending life in prison? He is clearly a violent danger to society! But, domestic violence is never taken seriously either. So, he was free to continue to wreak terror on those who knew him and rejected him.

Strawser — described by Franklin County District Attorney Matthew Fogal as a “murdering hillbilly from West Virginia,” according to PennLive — had previously pleaded guilty to charges including assault, unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, harassment and reckless driving. Multiple women he’d dated told police that he was abusive and controlling and displayed aggressive and stalker-like behavior when they tried to leave the relationship, the Carlisle Sentinel reported. In one case, Strawser was accused of threatening to cut an unborn child out of a woman; in two others, he allegedly showed up at the women’s homes and destroyed their cars.

Where is the peace? Were are the stories of babies safely being born in traffic jams? Where are the stories of love? Of toddlers swimming without being held. Of those in financial trouble winning the lottery jackpot. Of neighbors working together to help each other.

Actually, that story I did read recently. In June. I read in the Washington Post this article about a small community. Mostly white Trump supporters, a Muslim woman's son was arrested for planning a terrorist attack. Before he did anything. You would think this community would respond with hate. Instead, they responded with support!

He’d regularly worked and played on softball teams with African Americans and Latinos at Inland Steel, and his old subdivision had Croatian and Serbian immigrants. He’d never known any Muslims until he realized he did — Maria. He conjured the few times he’d chatted with her through a car window. He remembered her saying she worked off Exit 11. He noticed that she wore a name tag, and the headscarf. He thought she was a single mom. He remembered seeing her son a few times, speeding past the pool down Horseshoe Creek Lane, all of which led George to another thought, that her son was “just a hotheaded kid talking big whose life is now ruined over some stupid thing he never was going to get away with anyway.”
As he toggled between these thoughts, he began to worry about whether his neighbors were as fair-minded as he considered himself to be. He started making a point of passing by Maria’s house when he was out walking his dog. He checked her front door and the siding to make sure “some yahoo” hadn’t painted it with graffiti. He eyed the windows to make sure “some yo-yo” hadn’t thrown a brick.

Read the rest of the article. It's heartwarming. It was reassuring to read that there were some Trump supporters that didn't assume all people of color were criminals. They knew and liked Maria. They wanted to get together as a community to remind her she is supported.

Through the ashes of the violence we need to build peace. Usually, the phrase "find peace" is used. Yes, we can see the beautiful sunset as the smoke clears. But, we can't stop future violence by looking for peace. We have to make the peace for the violence to stop.

Yes, that means common sense gun safety laws. It means background checks for all gun purchases no matter where or when you get it. It means banning assault riffles meant for the military. It means requiring permits and training. It means restricting who can have a gun in the first place. It means limiting magazine size. It means having politicians brave enough to tell the NRA to shove it.

I'd rather read about the mom who found out she was carrying twins while in labor then about another domestic violence victim being murdered by her violent partner or ex-partner. But, we will keep hearing about those domestic violence murders until domestic violence is treated much more seriously. We can't have peace without creating it.

Violence and peace. After the violence, take the steps to create peace in the future. Only action can decrease violence. We shouldn't have to live in fear of white supremist terrorists that are moderately mislabeled "gunmen". We can't have a serious conversation about gun control without calling what's happening by it's true name. Terrorism. I know the democrats are brave enough to create peace. They passed gun safety legislature in February. So, Republicans, are you brave enough to create peace too? I didn't think so. You would rather the terrorism continue.

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