Friday, July 19, 2019

Rediscovering Me (Part 2 - Mysterious Future)

This is going to be a three part series:

1. Rediscovering Me - as graduation nears
2. Mysterious Future - Summer limbo
3. What Now? - Adjusting once school starts

Zach has graduated from elementary school. He is also still going through a growth spurt. As he slowly morphs from my sweet little boy into the teenager he will be, I find myself rediscovering who I am. I spent so much of the last five years volunteering at Zach's school. Come September, there isn't much for me do help with. So, I am discovering the version of me with an independent pre-teen.

In the first post of the series I mentioned my new laptop. It is making life easier. We transferred all of the files to this laptop. Last week, we gave Zach the desktop. He was the main person using it for his favorite version of Minecraft (Java addition). So now, the laptop is where the desktop used to be and I have been watching tv not listening to music while on it. But, when I travel with it, I do listen to music. Josh uses his laptop when he gets home each night.

For the most part, this looks like every summer. Camp is short and we handle baseball games the same way as always. We swim when we can but have had a lot going on. There are a few changes happening this month and I am mostly excited about them.

1. New kitchen faucet (love it!)
2. Deep cleaning maids came (and put nothing back correctly iffy experience)
3. New FRIDGE!!!! (I really hated the old one, here when we moved in).
4. Zach's House

Zach's house, that's the one that gets me. The parent website is in the process of being updated. Schedules aren't listed yet. But, it now says Zach is a 5th grader and lists his school as the middle school. It also means we know his house. The school is divide into two houses. The councilor for his house was my high school home room teacher. Josh and I were excited, Zach wasn't. He had heard it is the "hard house". I have heard from a kid in that house that they love it. Time will tell.

I continue to speak in Spanish when I can. I am still too busy to spend real time on it. A friend had paid me to make her a hat. The other one I made her years ago got very wore from so much use. She loves the new hat. But, it was knitted and knitting takes a lot of time. In general, we have been too busy.

The mysterious future is starting to shape up. There is still a lot of unknowns. But, I am too busy so far to anticipate what is coming. That's a good thing. It's also very unlike me. The unknown for big stuff tends to rattle me. It's not this time. Probably because as new things come to light, things are getting better. I feel better knowing who Zach's councilor is. He is in good hands. I know the principal for his house. She is really nice too.

The future is a mystery. I have been taking steps to help Zach adjust the best I can. We have changes some rules and some things about the apartment. We adjust our routines as needed. The past is a blur, the future is too bright to see. But, right now, the picture is perfect.

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