Friday, January 13, 2017

The GOP Attack Begins

1. Make minimum wage $1
2. Defund anything to do with women's reproductive health
3. Less money to seniors through reduced social security
4. Dismantle Medicare and Medicaid so seniors and the poor die of curable diseases
5. Ban abortions and birth control but not raise funds for group homes and foster families.
6. With liberty and unsafe water for all!
7. Christianity only!
8. Get rid of the immigrants. Because even though I won't clean toilets for $1 an hour they are stealing my job.
9. I don't like seeing gay people so I want them all back in the closet and married to someone of the opposite gender.
10. Stop people from being a different gender then how they were born.
11. Starve the poor
12. Eliminate unemployment pay since, you know, jobs magically appear if you loose one.
13. We can rule the country forever if we can prevent democrats from voting!
14. I love oil and gas!

This is how the GOP thinks. These are the things they really want to do. There are a lot of poor people that rely on social security, food stamps, and Medicaid to help make ends meet. They won't be able to do that in the next couple of years. But, their anti-gay stance was more important to them then being able to afford food or electricity or gas for the car.

Republicans only care about making their rich donors richer. But, then how do you get the votes to do it? How do you get the people you are about to screw over to vote for you? Give them people to hate. They hate anyone who does or is something they don't understand.

I finally figured out why they are so anti-birth control. That always confused me. Birth control stops pregnancies. So that means it lowers abortion rates. If you're anti-abortion, wouldn't you support something that decreases abortions?

But, it's about masculinity. Being able to get a woman pregnant makes some men feel like more of a man. It's emasculating when pregnancy won't be an option. Can't have women being in charge of their own bodies can we.

Why are they attacking the poor from all angles? Because to help the poor their rich buddies need to pay their fair share. Greed pure and simple. Now they have the power to undo almost any law the poor can rely on to fight back. It helps that poor people can't afford a lawyer.

They are bullies. Picking on the weaker for laughs. They will never take petitions seriously. They don't care. And their non-rich voters are enablers. Democrats want to help those who need it and accept those who are different. Those are basics. Why don't more people want those things? Everyone should want those things.

Dear lost too. You just don't know it yet. But, this time, you can't blame Democrats for all of your problems. It's time to see your party for with it really is. Is that who you really are?

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