Monday, August 13, 2012

Medical News For Us All

Whew! Okay so I FINALLY had my appointment with the orthopedist after getting my MRI. This is what he said: It's a contusion, liquid in my knee which apparently are two different things but here is the important part. If it doesn't hurt at all or only a little I can do it and that includes exercise. If it hurts a lot ice it after intense exercise. Another 3 - 4 weeks and I'll be fine. I asked about if I need to monitor my activity levels and he said no as long as I'm not in too much pain. I have to work my way up slowly.

I liked Dr. Hutter. He was still quick but answered my questions and that's mostly what I was looking for. He said he could send me to physical therapy if I wanted to go but my walking is enough and he didn't feel I needed it. I'm good to go on this one as far as he's concerned.

More medical good news, Josh's April 6th ER visit is fully paid for as of today. I start seeing my psychologist again on the 21st and Gabriel, my Nutritionist, again on September 6th. Good thing too because I need both. Seriously, I miss my eating disorder. I may have still thought I was fat but at least my cloths were smaller. I'd LOVE to be an 8 but stuck at 10, 12 if they run small.

Zach's news isn't good. He very rarely is sick but he vomited last night. His belly was bothering him but we gave him fresh air and sat him up but not long after he went to bed he exploded. While Josh started some cleaning I cleaned him and took him outside to calm and comfort him. The tree outside over my chairs is called a Tree of Heaven and it truly is heaven holding him. He kept falling asleep then almost vomiting. He eventually did calm down. We gave him tylenol last night too. He looked mostly better today but it wasn't until lunch that he stopped complaining of his belly and ate what he needed. He had a lot of water throughout the day too. We'll see how he looks before deciding on school tomorrow.

You never feel more like a parent then when you nurse your sick child. He needed us and as we teamed up to clean up and comfort I reflected on how this is one instance when two parents is just a lot easier. I don't think anything negative about single parents. They are very capable of providing for their families and caring for their kids. But there are times like that when it's great to have an extra pair of hands around.

We are just over $800 away from the deductible. After 2 Orthopedist visits and a MRI we might actually hit it. Ironic really since then the insurance company would HAVE to pay for my birth control pills. Until January. When raise time kicks in. They already extended his hours so he gets overtime each week so he can earn more money. We'll see what September's new health paycheck deductions are.

For now, I can go back to gardening, recipe finding, cleaning, walking, exercising, and caring for my family. Gotta love those distractions. Time to email Good Housekeeping. They have great grilling ideas but what about if you live in an apartment and can only have an electric grill? Can you still use foil? Time to email, hopefully, I'll find out.

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