Saturday, December 21, 2019

No Such Thing As A Coincidence

I don't believe in coincidences. Even if you don't know the reason, there is one. Even when you run into someone you haven't seen in a while, I believe God did that for a reason. For me, this happened with the same person twice. This is from a previous blog post from September of 2013.

I believe in signs from God but I have no clue what that could mean. Five years ago I somehow knew it meant something was up ahead I just didn't know what, like I did this time. This isn't the only strange event lately. From May of 2006 - January of 2007 I worked for the Thomas Kinkade art gallery as a consultant. My co-worker, M, was about my age and about to start an internship and a career in Communications. I was trying to get pregnant.  I hadn't seen M since I left the gallery but I ran into her twice in three days the week before digging up that rock. One night she was with her husband and two kids at Carvel, arriving after us. The other time she was heading into Macy's when I was leaving. I was looking for a replacement dress to wear to my brother's wedding. Instincts told me there was a reason for running into her after all this time, twice. I don't know what that reason is yet or if it's another sign but it was more powerful then mere coincidence.

She is now a teacher at Zach's school. I don't know the grade or subject. On Halloween, I was there to serve the snacks. I saw her with her class. She still remembers me and we are still friendly. I always liked her. Zach might have her as a teacher someday. He might not. But, that feeling came back. We were meant to see each other when we did. 

People come into your life. Some stick around, others don't. Some disappear from your life only for you to run into them later. Usually, for that, we say "what a coincidence!" But, I don't believe in coincidences. Because when I saw her on Halloween I got the same feeling as that day at Carvel. There is a reason for this. 

When that happens, you could say, "this is a message for me". But, maybe it's a message for her. I haven't seen her since September of 2013. It has been six years. Yet, we cross paths again. Am I the message for her? Is she the message for me? What is the purpose of all of this? 

I suspect the reason we ran into her six years ago is connected with that rock. The rock story is in the blog post. There was a big rock I struggled with the day I planted my first hyacinth bulbs. I knew that struggle was a sign. Not long after, I found out I was pregnant with Zach. That struggle was the day he was conceived. I finally got the rock dug up, five years later, a week after seeing her twice at Marcy's and Carvel. I had last seen her in January of 2007. Then, I saw her in September of 2013. Now, I saw her in October of 2019. Six years between each time. The number six is important here. But, we are always friendly and always remember each other.

It's almost Christmas. I hadn't thought about running into her on Halloween since early November. Then again, with all that happened, I haven't thought about that many topics. Yet, today, it popped into my head. Last time, it was a sign I would finally win that rock battle. I know that was important, I just don't know why. This time, I saw her right before a string of bad news bombarded my family for three weeks.

She wasn't the sign about all of that bad news. I have found that signs from God come in rabbit form. A calm rabbit means good news, a rapidly hopping rabbit means bad news. We saw a lot of rapidly hopping rabbits right after Halloween. After the fifth one, I said to Zach "that can't be good!" Sure enough, five pieces of really bad news arrived soon after!

So, maybe she was God's way of telling me everything will be okay. I was nervous when starting at the gallery. She trained me and was helpful. She did help me feel better a few times when we worked together. We weren't close, but we liked each other. For that, I won't know the answer until Memorial Day weekend. I will be interested in noting the next time we cross paths.

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