I might be a Democrat but I am more specifically classified as "moderate" not "progressive". So I am about to confuse some people. Mainly, because I have a compromise for our immigration problem.
First, I want to clarify something that not everyone seems to understand. When you enter the United States at a checkpoint, you are requesting asylum and therefore have entered legally. If you enter at a different location without border patrol present, that is entering illegally. I see a lot of references to "illegals" that also include immigrants that are actually here legally. It's important to know the difference.
That said, my idea will make more sense. I agree that we need more border security. But, we don't need a wall. There are certain locations without border patrol agents where immigrants regularly enter illegally. I say we create more jobs, especially for veterans, by adding border patrol agents to these locations. That makes them legal entry points. It means we can have more accurate records on more of the immigrants in the country as well. The point of border patrol is to keep terrorists and other dangerous people out of the country. Additional checkpoints will keep even more terrorists and other dangerous people out then the current checkpoints do.
How the immigration system works.
Asylum seekers are some of the immigrants kept in "immigration jail". They surrender themselves at the border but are still legal. This is where separating families gets tricky. These immigrants are waiting to see a judge. Most have credible claims for asylum and that means a hearing. Those without a credible claim see a judge too. Judges are backup up so we need more of them.
I don't like the idea of separating families. A Trump supporting facebook friend posted a meme of a white woman in jail. It said that she is separated from her kids and no one is arguing. Frankly, this is how I respond to that:
1. Good point, but she gets to say goodbye, her kids can visit, and she knows where they are so when her sentence is complete she can reunite with them.
2. She committed a crime. Asylum seekers who arrive at a border checkpoint are not committing a crime. Jail is for criminals. These immigrants aren't criminals if they are entering at a legal checkpoint with agents.
But, it also got me thinking about they catch-22 here. While it would be ideal to keep families together in a shelter during this time, that just isn't possible. There isn't space or money to create that space. We want to keep the kids out of cages but, the parents have to stay where they can't escape and are being kept track of. You can't do that in a shelter.
However, children of criminals do get to visit with their parents. Why can't children of legal asylum seeking immigrants visit their parents? Keep these kids in shelters then foster care with real blankets and no cages. But, let them see their parents, share letters with them once in foster care, and let the parents reunite with them once their case is resolved. It's not the ideal situation. But, it seems like the best option given what there is to work with.
It seems to me, most democrats I know do support adding border security agents. Most republicans I know think democrats don't want any border security at all. I think it's crucial to have more security agents in more places. But, we also need to modify the system so these legal asylum seeking immigrants are treated with dignity.
They enter with a long road ahead of them. What they leave behind are usually horrors most Americans could never fully understand. They aren't criminals. They are usually good people looking for a safe home. They don't deserve the prejudices being thrown at them because they were born in a country they didn't choose to be born into.
Yes, we need more border patrol agents and locations. But, we also need those agents to treat those entering at legal checkpoints with dignity and kindness. Be tough with those entering illegally. Especially, when there are more options for legal entry. Just make sure you know the different between legal and illegal immigrants.
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